Wednesday, October 1, 2014

David Wolverton's Kick in the Pants

David Wolverton, David Farland, he's all the same man. He began his career in 1987 after winning a prestigious award from some stuffy contest. Once he got the ball rolling, awards, records, and et cetera soon followed. Case in point: He's a successful author. Aside from his writing career he has played tutor for many authors including Brandon Sanderson, Brandon Mull, and James Dashner, to name some of my favorites. I've established some of his credentials, now let me share what he is doing today to help authors and aspiring authors alike.

"The Daily Kick in the Paints" is an email list/blog anyone can subscribe too. From this blog David Wolverton includes belly thoughts about writing, and the business of writing. Guest bloggers also chime in from time to time with their advice. He also includes important news about market trends, ethics, and moral issues.

David Wolverton runs many Writing Workshops including live workshops, interviews, online courses, lectures, and self-education books available at his website The prices are always going on sell and the best way to learn of the deals is to subscribe to the Daily Kick in the Pants email list.

His stories, experiences as a writer, and extensive efforts to share his craft lend great value to the beginning author. But David Wolverton goes beyond that. In recent posts, David has spearheaded, promoted, and driven a campaign to protect a fellow author who was stricken with the bitter plague that is plagiarism. His efforts made a difference in the fight to protect creative rights and writers integrity. To read one of his accounts of the efforts, follow this link. To read the authors account of what happened and/or donate to the effort, follow this link.

In another side note, over a year ago, David Wolverton/Farland's son suffered a traumatic long boarding accident. Medical bills have skyrocketed above 1 million dollars for the Wolverton family. He has been fighting those bills simultaneously with helping the plagiarism campaign. To learn more about his situation and pay it forward for all David does to help fellow writers, visit this link. Even a successful writer needs help sometimes.

David Wolverton provides many resources for the aspiring writer. I hope this post helps you access those resources as well as learn what sort of man David is. May all writers aspire to treat their trade as David does.

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